Inventory Management by TraxMRO is SMC's suite of customized solutions designed to bring visibility, efficiency, and control to your supply chain.
We understand common challenges you face, but no one knows your operations better than you - that's why all of our Inventory Solutions are tailored to your specific needs. Partner with SMC to leverage TraxMRO, allowing you to simplify operations, monitor consumables, visualize and control inventory, and track usage like never before.
No matter the size of your organization, SMC offers customizable options to optimize inventory levels and increase operational efficiency. Explore our TraxMRO offerings below.
Decrease Stocked Inventory
Simplify Your Supply Chain
Increase Revenue
Gain More Visibility & Control
SMC's Product and Application Specialists are available to support you in all product categories - Automation, Electrical, Industrial & Safety, Fluid Power, Datacom, and Metalworking
Reliability and Storeroom Consultants help ensure you're delivering on profitability and production goals for your facility.
Analytics from our TraxMRO software makes it easy to visualize data and create support for the quarterly business review process.
Flexible and customizable offerings to fit your exact needs!
Contact a TraxMRO Specialist or your local SMC sales representative to schedule an initial discovery meeting.
The TraxMRO Team will perform a crib crawl and analyze your existing data.
An agreement will be presented to proceed with TraxMRO offering(s), and your TraxMRO support team will be deployed to site (est. 2-6 weeks ARO).
Scheduled quarterly business reviews to ensure TraxMRO is delivering on YOUR expectations.