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Rockwell Automation is a leader in automation. The company's domain expertise is built on decades of work across all industries and all regions of the world. They understand the factory floor and the business models that make it the most productive - and are fluent in the real-world production challenges customers face. Rockwell Automation also knows how to identify critical data, what it means and how to make it useful to industrial and enterprise users.

Rely on Rockwell Automation to provide a full scope of capabilities to deliver the solutions and services you need now and in the future.


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    • Dec 15, 2020, 14:24 PM

    Augmented Reality Modernizes Technical Support in Manufacturing

    Machine downtime hurts. It hurts productivity and profits – and it causes frustration. Every minute that slips by with a machine unable to operate negatively impacts the bottom line. So, it’s no surprise that manufacturers are looking for the most cost-effective and time-efficient way to get the technical support they need to deal with downtime and repairs. Full story
    • Oct 23, 2020, 13:03 PM

    Manage Downtime...Before its Too Late

    If there is one word that fills the owner or manager of a manufacturing plant with fear it’s probably “downtime.” Downtime throws the entire schedule out of whack. It disrupts workflow, throws schedules into chaos and, worst of all, costs money. What are the causes of downtime in manufacturing, and what are some effective downtime reduction strategies to employ? Full story
    • Sep 17, 2020, 14:22 PM

    Safety Should be Part of Cybersecurity

    The dangers that cyber threats pose to intellectual property, customer records and productivity are well known, but safety implications of these threats are discussed less often. A cyberattack on your industrial control system (ICS) can damage physical assets, alter recipes, injure workers or cause severe environmental damage. Full story
    • Dec 13, 2019, 10:33 AM

    Delicious Data: How Predictive Analytics Improves Efficiency

    Food and beverage companies are finding productivity gains in hidden data. With the help of predictive analytics, they’re using this data to make informed decisions. Full story
    • Oct 16, 2019, 10:09 AM

    Cybersecurity Assessments: How to Achieve Your Target Security Posture

    Security assessments can be effective tools to evaluate your current security posture, but must be properly selected, scoped, and paired with an actionable road map that lays out clear, actionable steps to achieve your target security profile. Full story